It is obvious to have cultural shocks when you are in foreign places. Although Globalisation has brought the world near, there many experiences that are wished to share.
Nepal and Norway, although similar in geographic setting, have a number of variance.Its like you experience everyting new when you do an activity for first time. I had exam, few days ago and want to share.
Nepal and Norway, although similar in geographic setting, have a number of variance.Its like you experience everyting new when you do an activity for first time. I had exam, few days ago and want to share.
1) I was so impressed to bring a copy of my answersheets!!
It is common for many of us to fear and question yourself after examination, ' Did I actually write what I meant?' or You have to recall hard ' ohh how did I answered this?' . Actually,You can see what you wrote in your exam with comfortable seat in sofa and drink in Norway!!
It is common for many of us to fear and question yourself after examination, ' Did I actually write what I meant?' or You have to recall hard ' ohh how did I answered this?' . Actually,You can see what you wrote in your exam with comfortable seat in sofa and drink in Norway!!
You will be given three layered examination copy paper. When you write, you will be actually making three copies, One for your professor or course examiner, one for exam controller and the third for yourself. And You get extra time to seperate your answer sheets into three copies after you finish writing.
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My copy of my exam sheets |
2) Exam actually starts 15 minute before the start time.
We were given time of 9:15 am for the course examination by our course instructor and said it is good to be there at 8:45am.I reached the hall at 8:45 am. It made me check the time again as most of the examinees were in the room already. Almost seats packed. Ohh no! I had no choice than choosing one at front . Two of my Nepali friends arrived at 9:13, being punctual however was late here. The examinator had a lot to say to them regarding the time. She said you should be in the examination hall before 30 minutes actually receiving a answer copy. Yea, it could be auruable that we usually go earlier to examination hall in Nepal too but it is not common to get your questions before 15 minutes of scheduled exam time.
3) The guard will follow you to washroom.
Dont you think this weird? But it happens in Norway.
I was a kind of bored to sit for long hours and dared to loose some time going to washroom. Actually i had hope to google a formulae which i needed to answer one of the questions.I asked to go to washroom. I noticed a women following me. I was horrified to google the formulae and came out early. It was funny when I recall the moment now.
I was a kind of bored to sit for long hours and dared to loose some time going to washroom. Actually i had hope to google a formulae which i needed to answer one of the questions.I asked to go to washroom. I noticed a women following me. I was horrified to google the formulae and came out early. It was funny when I recall the moment now.
4) You can put your food on your exam table.
It is perfectly okay to put food like bread or fruits or drinks like coffee on your exam table. Examinees are free when ever they like. It was surprising to see apples, sandwhishes, bananas on my neighbouring tables at first. I didnt had any on mine and I am intrested to take some in next exam.
Hahahaha! How typical of us to google our answers!! I enjoyed reading this so much!! I am really envious of the freedom and systematic setting of the examination hall in Norway. Wish we had such in I think of it, maybe we can bring this system at K.U IF we ever teach there at some point of our lives. You should post more Alaka!! :D :D